Editing Levels

Manuscripts are edited on an as-needed basis.  


Proofreading for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure, 

75 USD/1000 words


SME-1 plus critique, comments, better presentation, improving language and style, and rewriting sentences for clarity 

80-120 USD/1000 words


SM-2 plus scientific editing, rewriting, reorganizing for clarity, rearranging paragraphs/reformatting text, or ~50% of the text requires editing

130-150 USD/1000


Manuscripts requiring extensive/scientific editing and/or rewriting of >75% of the text will be charged accordingly above the SME-3 level 

> 150 USD/1000 words

References are not included in the word count. Editing does not include checking the accuracy of references and formatting of references according to the Journals’ specifications.

Manuscripts should be emailed to sme786992@gmail.com or iuali25@hotmail.com. Authors are encouraged to submit revised manuscripts before resubmission. The turn-around time depends on the manuscript length and the required level of editing. It is usually 3-4 days.

Other types of documents, especially Cover Letters and Response to Reviewers, will be handled on a case-by-case basis by mutually agreed upon specifications.


In the case of proofreading errors/typos, SME will offer a second round of proofreading free of charge. If the Journal rejects the manuscript because of language errors, it will be re-edited free of charge. This guarantee is not available for any modifications/additions introduced after the document is edited.

Payment Options: wire transfer, credit card, PayPal, Zelle